Rat-Pack II Economic Black Plague

Part II: Mutant Rat Epidemic spreading Economic Black Plague

Brief Recap of :"Mutant Rat Epidemic Spreading Economic Black Plague - Part I"

The Slave-Release Program: For 227 days of every year Americans are slaves to the Public Debt Rat. So much for the the 13th Amendment or the Civil War of 1861-1865.

The “Part-Time Abolition Release Program” makes up the other 138 days of the year during which time the “American worker” tries hard to fend for him/herself and his or her families.

At best, it is a “Quasi Part-Time Abolition Release Program” for the Corporatocracy Rat and the Globalization Rat have blasted our wages back four decades. We “compete” against someone making two bucks a day. Being an unpaid slave for 227 days and earning 1973 in wages for remaining 138 days birthed the 2 “income” family. Well, for those who didn’t divorce over money problems.

“Quasi Abolition“ because most consumers became slaves to the Bank & Credit Card Rats in order to bridge the gap between what they take in and what they need to survive.

I can’t do a piece about bridging the gap without emphasizing Jim Quinn’s fine (circa 2008) work. What I’ve dubbed the “Strabucks Effect”. He took the time to do what most economists have yet to do. Jim figured out where the consumers were getting their money from, given they only had 138 days of the year with 1973 wages to work with. Quinn found the answer: Credit, HELOC’s to be specific. For example: In 2008 Americans borrowed 9 billion dollars from their home equity loans to go buy four dollar coffees at Starbucks. After the housing crash, Starbucks closed 900 stores. The Starbucks bean-counters understood the Greenspan-Bernanke bubble and where their consumers went to get spending money. In the middle of Jim’s article he shows that consumers borrowed $2,206,000,000,000.00 (2.2 trillion) annually and used it to consume, thus fueling the economy. (I invite you to read it, Jim is one of my favorite authors).

To digress -- it is unfathomable how an ex-Economic Advisor Rat can state, 'We still don’t see why corporations cut jobs the way they did.' Doubt she’ll be teaching kids the “Starbucks Effect” as she changes rat packs and joins the majority of colleges that teach Keynesian economics. Not hard to understand why 99.9999% of economist never saw this train coming and still don’t see it today.

Rats have 20/600 vision (20/200 is legally blind).

For 138 days of the year we do our best to support the economy -- the very economy, which in one way, shape, or form, in turn, supports us.

Even if one is wealthy or retired, they too rely on a healthy economy to support their investments.

The Public Debt Rat doesn’t work alone. These rats work in packs. And now I'd like to introduce to you the 535 (Ron Paul, Paul Ryan and handful of fiscally, Constitutionally responsible adults excluded) Empirical Bread & Circus Rats.

The Empirical Bread & Circus Rat’s Motto “Taxation Without Representation.” The Empirical Bread and Circus Rat represents and serves the Corporatocracy Rat -- NOT you and I. Ironic, we fought a revolutionary war over this ninety odd years before we “abolished” slavery.

Insidiously, both have returned to haunt us!

The Empirical Bread & Circus Rat Deadly Bacteria 1: The Empirical Bread and Circus Rat tosses a few crumbs (Social Security, Medicare, the Prescription Drug Plan) to us in exchange for our votes. Of course these plans are “unfunded.”

Looted, is really more like it. If you or I worked for a pension fund and we “borrowed” money from it, we'd do time. If we used that money to buy votes,we’d do more time, but the Empirical Bread and Circus rat can make laws that only people have to follow. They can loot the Social Security “Trust Fund” and spend it on the rats nest. They can rob Social Security to buy pork, build a bridge, an airport, a park, and bail out idiot Bank Rats and moron Wall Street Rats who blew up our economy. Then these then rats adorn the monuments they erect with individual rat names.

Rat monuments are voting reminders.

Once elected the Empirical Bread and Circus Rat is fed by the Corporatocracy Rat.

Scurrying lobby rats pay billions to the Empirical Bread and Circus Rat. The Lobbyrats get the Empirical Bread and Circus Rats to turn tricks for the Corporatocracy Rats. They write the ratbills that the multi-thousand page Empirical Bread and Circus Rats sign into law.

Without reading.

The Empirical Bread and Circus rats are immune from the disease they spread. Sucking the Corporatocracy Rat’s tail makes them impervious to STD’s like the Health Care or their retirement fund being looted like they looted “our” Social Security.

Case in point: Look at the “bailout.” An LA Times article in 2008 explains that Feinstein’s office had to double the staff to handle the influx of (almost 40,000) calls. The overwhelming majority were entirely AGAINST TARP -- which got passed. The Empircal Bread and Circus Rat doesn’t give a human’s ass about capitalism or what its constituents want. It is all about bailing out the rats that they whore to, the ones who blew up the economy. Capitalism is dead. The Corporatocracy Rat killed it. “Why We Are Totally Finished” explained Corporatocracy in great detail.

Look at the rat bribes.

Source: Jim Quinn

You can see the proportion of money given to how berserk the rat pack has gotten. We have gone from speed it up to disaster in 20 years.

The Empirical Bread & Circus Rat Deadly Bacteria 2: We have a military presence in 150 out of 195+/- countries and are fighting two wars simultaneously. By no definition is that a Republic. The Empirical Bread and Circus Rat feeds the military industrial complex with well over 50% of our budget -- made possible by the Debt Rat. The Afghan War is the longest war in U.S. history.

Rat Poison: Get rid of the lobby rats. Make it a crime to accept bribes for votes or to use bribes to get votes. Let politicians have a blog on the government website for which office they wish to serve -- campaigns must cost zero dollars. Everyone (except rats) should have the ability to run -- and serve ONCE. Make all bills understandable to anyone in 10th grade and no longer than 1 page. Post every bill and every vote along with blog poles for how their constituents want them to vote. Any law they pass, they also abide by. And, like Doug Casey said, “...giving politicians the ability to borrow is like giving a teenager a bottle of whiskey and the keys to a Corvette.” Not bright, so lets not do it anymore.

The Corporatocracy Rat decimated capitalism. Of all the rat, this is the nuclear rat. (More in Part III).

About the Author

davossherman [at] gmail [dot] com ()