Financial Planning

We've been serving our clients under the fiduciary standard since 1985.

Our comprehensive and personalized advice, in addition to our expansive educational resources, has helped investors make informed financial decisions for over 20 years.

We believe one of the most effective ways to protect your financial health is an in-depth financial plan, where we work together to:

When meeting with us to create your financial plan, we will:

  • Build: Establish a relationship between planner and client that clearly defines the financial objectives and goals.
  • Develop: The planner will gather relevant information, providing analysis and expertise to help pinpoint client’s assets and liabilities.
  • Present: The planner will provide clear advice through an outline and recommended courses of action.
  • Implement: Carry out the recommendations with the planner acting as your coach, while coordinating with professionals such as accountants and attorneys.
  • Monitor: As life happens you and your financial planner will monitor and update the plan to provide the best opportunity for success.

Every financial plan our experienced Certified Financial Planners create is unique. That is because every client’s situation is unique. We take the time to get to know you and help you discover what’s important to you. At Financial Sense Wealth Management, you are not a number.

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