Have We Seen the Peak in Housing and Autos?

Via today's market update with Chris Puplava:

Referencing the chart above, Puplava states:

"We're seeing more signs that we are closer to the end than the beginning. Two early-cycle indicators to look at for predicting economic turns are housing and autos. If you look at auto production, it has clearly peaked for this cycle and we are seeing some signs of a possible peak in housing as well. If that's true, those are two very cyclical areas of the economy that have a lot of knock-on effects in terms of jobs, production, and manufacturing. If those continue to retrench and other areas of the economy begin to sputter as well, we could be looking at a market top in 2018.

For further background, see the following:

Listen to this full podcast interview with PFS Group's Chris Puplava by logging in and clicking here or sign up for a FREE TRIAL by clicking here.

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fswebmaster [at] financialsense [dot] com ()