Jim Puplava's Blog

President, Founder
jim [dot] puplava [at] financialsense [dot] com ()

Financial Sense® Advisors, Inc.
Financial Sense® Securities, Inc.
Registered Representative

Financial Sense & Financial Sense Newshour
Author & Host

Jim Puplava is the president of Financial Sense Wealth Management. His professional designations include Certified Financial Planner, Certified Tax Specialist, Certified Income Specialist, Certified Estate and Trust Specialist, Certified Fund Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Accredited Investment Fiduciary, Certified Social Security Specialist, Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional, FINRA Series 7, Series 24, Series 65 and Life, Disability and Variable Insurance licenses (California insurance license #0685257). Jim was a branch manager for LPL Financial Services, LLC for 12 years. He has been the president of Financial Sense® Advisors, Inc. (FSA) since 1985. In 1996, Jim established the broker/dealer firm, Financial Sense Securities®, Inc and is its president. He also oversees the portfolio management team at Financial Sense Wealth Management and Financial Sense Securities, Inc.

Jim’s experience in financial media began in 1988 when he was the host of Financial Sense Talkradio on various radio stations in San Diego. Today, he continues his weekly Financial Sense Newshour podcasts and writes occasional commentary for the Financial Sense blog. Jim has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, ABC News: Nightline, The Wall Street Transcript, The Huffington Post and for the documentary film The End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless, among other publications and media sources.

He graduated cum-laude in political science from Arizona State University and then went on to earn a master’s degree in international management from the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird). In 2007 and 2009 Jim was nominated by his clients and professional peers as one of the San Diego area’s best wealth managers.

Jim and his wife Mary live near their three sons and grandchildren and are involved in various philanthropic enterprises through their charitable foundation. Jim also loves reading, sailing and historical documentaries.

The Petro Business Cycle, Part II

The Economy and Markets React

Some have called it the “New Normal”, others have difficulty explaining it. Economists are bewildered, as the old economic prescriptions don’t seem to work. Policy makers are equally perplexed.

Dollar, Euro, and Gold charts

Dollar, Euro, gold charts are including in this weeks's Big Picture show to illustrate market patterns.

A Market Downturn and the Risk On/Risk Off Trade

From greed to fear

An excerpt from a 15 November 2012 communication to Jim Puplava's asset management clients discusses the possibility of a market downturn (overall, Jim is bullish in the near term), and the likelihood of a compromise relative to the Fiscal Cliff.

Deflation? Don't Count On It...

Deflationists and inflationists have been arguing for years. Each side has data to back up its claims, and the public doesn't see a clear winner. One of those data points is what historically occurs when an overburden of debt finally blows up, an event that's almost certainly dead ahead for us.

Hard Choices—The Investor’s Dilemma

Investors are faced with a dilemma. Where do they place money in an era of financial repression? Do they chase Treasury yields which are now in bubble territory? Or are there safe havens still available in the stock market?

World Fixated on Europe; Friday's U.S. Economic Data Is Key

While the world is focused on Europe another set of numbers were released today with the most important releasing tomorrow. Look for a drop in the ISM, based on weakening regional PMI’s. The jobs number on Friday could also be weaker than anticipated, that is unless the miracle workers at the BLS come up with some magical hypothetical jobs from the birth-death model.

A Big Week for the Markets

This week will be a big week for the markets. In addition to the ongoing Euro debt crisis there will be a plethora of economic reports including six PMI reports that will tell us a lot about future economic growth. Of the 13 monthly PMI reports five have reported so far with two positive (Empire & Kansas City) and three negative (Philly Fed, Richmond Fed, and the Texas Manufacturing Survey).

Will There Be Stimulus?

We would equate the current market environment to the events that precede a declaration of war. Prior to the declaration markets sell off due to the fears of uncertainty that precedes the breakout of hostilities. Once the war begins, and the bombs start dropping, the market stages a recovery because it is the beginning of the end. That is where we are now.

How to Give Yourself an Annual Pay Raise, Pt 2

Large cap stocks appear to be emerging as the new market leaders in this markets' ongoing advance. I wrote about this in my last piece "The Story Nobody Wants to Hear." As shown in the six graphs below...

How to Give Yourself an Annual Pay Raise, Pt 1

Financial repression is going to be with us for the balance of this decade. Fed officials have spoken clearly that they intend to leave interest rates at zero until at least late 2014, and maybe beyond. This means investors will have to look elsewhere to fill in their investment and income gap. One way to fill that gap is dividend paying blue-chip stocks. The authors of Triumph of the Optimists have shown that over the last century investment returns have been far superior when dividends are reinvested. The compound return is almost double when long time frames are considered.

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