Bill Powers, editor of Powers Energy Investor, previously published the Canadian Energy Viewpoint and US Energy Investor. Bill has studied all aspects of the energy sector with an eye towards uncovering outstanding investment opportunities. He completes both primary and secondary research to identify small to mid-sized exploration and production (E&P) firms with strong value propositions, experienced management, strong balance sheets and growing production. With alternative energy becoming an increasingly important part of the world’s energy supply, Bill also considers established and early stage alternative energy companies worldwide.
In 2005, Bill was offered an opportunity to open and manage an energy investment fund. To avoid conflicts of interest for both readers and investors, Bill transferred his existing publications to another firm. Bill chose to close the fund in early 2009, but the experience gave him new insights into investing and the oil and gas industry. Case and point, beginning in 2007, Bill became an activist Chairman of two oil and gas firms and a Director of a third. Bill’s interactions with company management and on-staff oil and gas specialists have given Bill a unique, detailed and poignant look at what drives oil and gas firms and makes a company an exceptional investment candidate.
Because of changes in the underlying commodities markets, availability of capital and investor risk tolerance, Bill believes that investing in the energy markets today will require a significantly different approach from what has worked in the past. Bill combines his financial analysis and corporate governance experience to provide his subscribers with a candid perspective of the industry and quality ideas for investment. Bill holds a BS degree in Finance from Georgetown University, Washington DC.