Marc Chandler's Blog

Managing Partner and Chief Markets Strategist
Bannockburn Global Forex

Marc Chandler has been covering the global capital markets in one fashion or another for more than 30 years, working at economic consulting firms and global investment banks. After 14 years as the global head of currency strategy for Brown Brothers Harriman, Chandler joined Bannockburn Global Forex, as a managing partner and chief markets strategist as of October 1, 2018.

Chandler attended North Central College for undergraduate work, where he majored in political science and the humanities. He holds master's degrees from Northern Illinois University and the University of Pittsburgh in American History and International Political Economy. Currently, Chandler teaches at New York University Center for Global Affairs, where he is an associate professor. He is also an honorary visiting professor at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia.

A prolific writer and speaker he appears regularly in the press and has spoken for, and is an honorary fellow of, the Foreign Policy Association. In addition to being quoted in the financial press daily, Chandler has been published in the Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, and the Washington Post. In 2009, Chandler was named a Business Visionary by Forbes. In 2009, his book, Making Sense of the Dollar, was published by Bloomberg Press and received a Bronze Award from Independent Publishers.

Six Weeks That Could Shake the World

By Marc Chandler – The first five months of the year have had plenty of unwelcome surprises for investors. Volatility has reigned throughout the capital markets, despite the continued net expansion of central bank balance sheets...

Fed's Hawkish Hold

By Marc Chandler – We anticipate a hawkish hold in the sense that the Federal Reserve is likely to make minor adjustments in its statement that recognize the increased confidence of achieving its mandate. Economic growth remains above trend...

Changing of the Guard

By Marc Chandler – The US was the first. Powell has replaced Yellen at the top of the Federal Reserve. His testimony tomorrow and Thursday will be his first and next month's FOMC meeting will be the first he chairs. There is little doubt...

Investors Remain Uneasy Even as Equities Stabilize

By Marc Chandler – There is an unease that continues to hang over the market. It is as if a shoe fell last week, and most investors seem to be waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is hard to imagine the kind of body blow that...

Dollar Reaches Multi-Year Lows as Central Banks Shift Reserves Into Yuan

By Marc Chandler – Yesterday, the Bundesbank, quickly followed by the central bank of France, acknowledged that they had purchased yuan for reserves. The market seemed surprised and seemingly used it as an excuse to sell dollars...

Dovish Taper With No Tantrum: Patience and Persistence

By Marc Chandler – The ECB delivered what the market expected in terms of the size and duration of the asset purchases. The ECB initial statement also included a dovish reminder of the extent of the unorthodox monetary policy.

New Trump Tactics Help Greenback and Rates

By Marc Chandler – In the face of much cynicism and pessimism about the outlook for the Trump Administration's agenda, we have repeatedly pointed out the resilience of the system of checks and balances. Many of the more extreme...

Dollar Tumbles As North Korea Missile Adds Fuel to the Fire

By Marc Chandler – The US dollar's sell-off that began before the weekend continued yesterday and is accelerating today. North Korea's provocations have added to fuel to the fire that was already burning. Coming out of Jackson Hole the consensus scenario of ECB...

US Auto Sector, Wages, and the Labor Market

By Marc Chandler – Charles Wilson, the former CEO of General Motors before becoming Defense Secretary under President Eisenhower, once famously quipped that "what is good for the country is good for GM and vice versa."

Heightened Risk on the Korean Peninsula

By Marc Chandler – Thursday, July 27 is the 64th anniversary of the cease fire that ended the overt hostilities in the civil war. In the past, North Korea has used the occasion to display its military might, including a missile launch.

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