Alex Barrow's Blog

Co-Founder, Analyst

Alex Barrow spent over a decade working as a US Marine Scout Sniper and as an Intelligence Professional for the government where he specialized in covering the economic and political spheres of the Asian-Pacific region.

Barrow left the public sector to work as a consultant for a leading silicon valley firm that creates advanced data software for intelligence and finance.

He then went on to pursue his passion for markets, working at a global-macro hedge fund.

Barrow co-founded Macro Ops with two other former hedge fund analysts with the goal of helping friends and family navigate these volatile markets.

Marxist Bubbles and Taleb’s Turkey: It’s Going to Be an Awkward Thanksgiving

Over a third and growing quickly. That’s the share of the market that’s now comprised of blind sheep passive indexers. That much passive money is nothing to sneeze at. Call me old-fashioned, but I was originally led to believe that...

What the New SEC Money Market Fund Regulations Mean for the Financial System

Things could get real interesting in the next few months. On Oct. 17th a new SEC rule finally comes into play that will affect money market funds and liquidity across the financial sphere. There’s potential for some really big...

Spread Thin — How the Fed Manipulates Financial Spreads

We’ve all heard the constant chorus of central bank bashing. The ridicule comes from a diverse crowd, ranging from retail Joe Schmoes to prominent hedge fund managers… and I admit, Fed economists make for easy targets.

A Sober Look at the Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ethereum

One of our more profitable trades this year was in the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. We caught it breaking out of a long term triangle pattern and rode it to the very top of its trend. We then successfully exited our position right before Bitcoin began...

Financial Sense Wealth Management: Invest With Us
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