My name is J.W. Jones, and I am the primary analyst and moderator of I have spent nearly a decade analyzing and studying financial markets. I have an intense background in portfolio management and risk analytics, with a primary focus on interest rate sensitive instruments. I have been directly involved in the use of options to mitigate and reduce risk in a variety of different portfolios.
I'm thrilled to introduce you to my highly successful Income Options Strategy based on all sorts of options spreads from verticals, calendar spreads, double diagonals, butterflies, broken wing butterflies, double butterflies, condors, iron condors, broken wing condors, ratio spreads and ratio back spreads and that is just to name a few. They may sound goofy or complex, and some are, but that part is my job. You on the other hand just need to buy and sell the option combinations my strategy identifies as the lowest risk yet highest probability of generating a profit.