Lifetime Planning

Millions of Baby Boomers Are Selling Their Businesses – Here's One Tax-Efficient Way They Are Doing It

Aug 28, 2023 – As millions of baby boomers retire and sell their businesses, one method is gaining traction: the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Why? Well, there are a few different benefits but one of the biggest is due to its potential tax...

The Lifetime Planning Guide – A Comprehensive Approach Towards Managing Your 401(K)

Aug 21, 2023 – Navigating the financial world can often seem overwhelming, but fear not! In this episode of the Financial Sense Newshour, hosts Jim and Chris Puplava simplify it to its bare essentials. With a focus on 401(K)'s - a major asset...

From Tax Brackets to Premiums: The Impact on Social Security and Medicare

Aug 14, 2023 – Crystal Colbert and Aaron Wiegman delve into the significance of tax diversification, highlighting how a higher marginal tax rate can influence Social Security and Medicare premiums. They examine the income brackets most...

Superhuman Protocol – The Key to Living a Strong and Healthy Life (Part 2)

Aug 7, 2023 – In today's Lifetime Planning segment, we pick up with the second half of our conversation with Jason Tebeau, creator of the Superhuman Protocol, which involves the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), exercise with...

Superhuman Protocol – The Key to Living a Strong and Healthy Life (Part 1)

Jul 31, 2023 – In today's Lifetime Planning segment, Financial Sense Newshour's Jim Puplava speaks with Jason Tebeau, creator of the Superhuman Protocol, which involves the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), exercise with oxygen...

The Importance of Dividends: How to Retire and Not Outlive Your Assets

Jul 24, 2023 – On today's episode of Lifetime Planning, Jim Puplava from Financial Sense Wealth Management delves into the pivotal role dividends are expected to play in investors meeting their return targets over this decade...

Lifetime Planning: Potential Changes to 401k Rules - What You Need to Know

Jul 17, 2023 – Today we're going to discuss some potential changes to 401k rules that may end up impacting people of certain ages and certain incomes. These rules were put in at the very last moment late last year and are set to go into effect...

Discussion: What Impacts Will Resumption of Student Loan Payments Have on Borrowers?

Jul 10, 2023 – Crystal Colbert and Aaron Weigman take on the issue of student loan payments, which are set to resume after a prolonged moratorium put in place after Covid. They discuss when payments will have to resume, how much this will...

401k Allocation Considerations for Today's Markets

Jul 1, 2023 – After seeing strong gains in the stock market for the first half of the year, Crystal Colbert and Aaron Wiegman look at some important 401k allocation considerations when it comes to harvesting gains, rebalancing among...

Preparing for the Unexpected: A Guide to Essential Emergency Actions

Jun 19, 2023 – In today's Lifetime Planning segment, Kevin Matsukado, an expert in emergency preparedness, joins Financial Sense Newshour to discuss key steps each individual, family, and organization should take to be fully prepared in case...

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