'Flation Debate Reading List

Compiled by Jim Puplava

  1. Age of Inflation
    by Hans F. Sennholz. 207 pages, Western Islands, June 1, 1979
  2. America's Great Depression
    by Murray N. Rothbard. 368 pages, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, June 15, 2000. Can be viewed at Mises.org
  3. Balance of Payments: Proposals for the Resolution of the Most Pressing
    World Economic Problem of Our Time

    by Jacques Rueff. 215 pages, Macmillan, 1977, out of print with limited availability
  4. Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German & American Inflations
    by Jens O. Parsson. Wellspring PR, April 1, 1974, currently unavailable
  5. The Economics of Inflation (Routledge Library Editions-Economics, 84)
    by Constantino Bresciani-Turroni. 427 pages, Routledge, reprint edition, October 1, 2003, first published 1937
    FREE Online Book!
  6. From Bretton Woods to World Inflation: A Study of Causes and Consequences
    by Henry Hazlitt. 179 pages, Regnery Pub, May 1, 1984, available from third-party sellers
  7. The Great Inflation, Germany 1919-23
    by William Guttmann. Scribner, September 1975, out of print with limited availability
  8. Great Inflations of the 20th Century: Theories, Policies and Evidence
    by Pierre L. Siklos. 308 pages, Edward Elgar Publishing, December 1, 1995
  9. The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History
    by David Hackett Fischer. 552 pages, Oxford University Press, Reprint Edition, June 1, 2000
  10. Monetary Policy and the Great Inflation in the United States: the Federal Reserve and the Failure of Macroeconomic Policy, 1965-1979
    by Thomas Mayer. 151 pages, Edward Elgar Publishing, March 1, 1999
  11. The Organization of Debt into Currency and Other Paper (The Right Wing Individualist Tradition in America)
    by Charles Holt Carroll. 438 pages, Arno Press, 1972
  12. What Has Government Done to Our Money?
    by Murray N. Rothbard. 119 pages, Ludwig Von Mises Institute, June 1, 1990. Can be viewed at Mises.org
  13. When Money Dies: The Nightmare of the Weimar Collapse
    by Adam Fergusson. 256 pages, Kimber, 1975, available from third-party sellers

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