Service Sector Getting Hit Hard, Says Danielle DiMartino Booth; Plus, John Roque on Gold Hitting New All-time Highs

March 6, 2020 – Financial Sense Newshour talks to John Roque of Wolf Research who says this market correction likley has further to go. He discusses a potential breakdown in the tech sector, which would be a good sign we've reached a bottom, and tells listeners what he expects to happen with gold prices. Next, Danielle DiMartino Booth shares why she sees the U.S. service sector getting hit hardest by the coronavirus. She also discusses record corporate debt levels and Fed rate cuts. Lastly, in today's Smart Macro segment, Cris Sheridan and Financial Sense Wealth Management’s CIO Chris Puplava explain how the market is attempting to price in the impacts of exponentially growing infection rates and what the credit markets are saying about contagion, economic spillover effects, and when markets are likely to stabilize.

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