We Have Reached the Breaking Point

The American Socialist System Crumbles

[Editor's note: This article presents a very tumultuous and revolutionary view of America's future. The author makes no attempt to candy-coat where he thinks we are headed.]

The people aren’t just making a political statement. They are fighting for their freedom, their rights, and their very futures. With low employment, rising school costs, and an insurmountable debt heaped upon them by the previous two generations, the young have realized the direness of their situation. They have nothing to lose anymore. It has already been taken from them. The only option is disobedience.

Mayor Bloomberg recently came down on the Occupy Wall Street movement by a coordinated night time raid of the camp in Zuccotti Park in New York, with a subsequent establishment of rules preventing gear larger than a backpack. Los Angeles police also recently disbursed an Occupy movement protesting banks.

In both cases, police arrested protestors and reporters there to cover the event. One reporter for the AP, Julie Walker, was arrested after she was detained and asked for the policeman’s name and badge number. She had not broken any laws. Bloomberg defended the media arrests on the grounds it was for “their protection”.

In another case, New Zealand reporter Doug Higginbotham had his press ID badge taken, was cuffed, and arrested for covering protesters trying to re-enter Zuccotti Park.

“Ten years. Never been arrested. I covered 9/11. I covered DSK (Dominique Strauss-Kahn).”

We can see that as the movement strengthens, the powers-that-be are growing more nervous and resorting to more overt suppression. Not only are media being targeted, the elite are using their police forces to arrest protesters who for the most part aren’t causing harm to anyone. Their worst offense is taking too few showers and not being among the millions of ‘responsible’ citizens putting on their best business dress and marching to work every day.

But then, if there weren’t such high unemployment, perhaps these people wouldn’t be protesting.

So what particular group of people is most disadvantaged in America? That is the younger generation, as the following chart on the last 10 years of employment change shows.

Click here to enlarge

Breaking it down even further, we can see over the last ten years that while the youngest are starving for jobs, the older generation is gaining more than their fair share.

Click here to enlarge

As James Quinn wrote in ‘Bad Moon Rising’, the protests of Occupy Wall Street are turning into a generational battle between the old and powerful and the young and disenfranchised. The conflict is cyclical, where every fourth generation arises to protest the misuse of economic resources and power.

The powerful will fight back, but as per Quinn, they are now in the minority.

This is setting up as an historical showdown for several more reasons. Once replete with easily obtainable resources, the earth is not as giving as she once was. Oil is harder to find and more costly. Ponzi paper-based debt and monetary systems are beginning their final collapses around the globe.

Socialist government policies distort market prices and expand the business cycle into recessions and depressions. Large governments misallocate capital into inefficient projects and technologies, wasting resources they claim to be saving.

Our government is now setting road-blocks for exploration of new, plentiful resources such as thorium and natural gas in favor of net-negative energy sources such as solar power. Subsidies, which are more government reallocations of wealth from one group to another, are required to force solar power on society that would not accept the technology otherwise. Solar uses dangerous chemicals, a lot of energy produced by oil, and presents major challenges in disposal of dangerous materials when depleted.

Collectivist government laws are siphoning wealth from the productive to the non and are crippling any chance at a stable economy supporting a new generation of those that want to work.

All of these factors are coming to a fore at the same time. Politicians are reluctant to initiate new change, as it would result in their elimination from the wealth-building insider games that make them rich. The people, now over 51% dependent on some sort of government program, are reluctant for change because it would remove their ill-gotten safety net. Those sucking at the government teat are unwilling to play on a level field where winners are determined by hard work, innovation, and consistent production.

It is not surprising to most who have been watching the economy over the last decade that the young are fighting back. But it has apparently caught the powerful off-guard, as if they thought their systems would go on forever without needing a reboot. Maybe just a patch, here and there.

But the controlled are often smarter than their masters give them credit for. Much like a computer system, glitches in the global system of control awake a few curious individuals who seek answers. Those answers turn the curious into fully aware activists who fight the machine and in so doing enlighten those around them. The movement slowly builds.

The early enlightened few are scorned for their anti-establishment views and shut off from popular societal discussion. They are shunned from the public spotlight and blacklisted from most popular media. But those truth-tellers who began the movement in bygone decades will all eventually have their days.

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

We are now in the second stage of violent opposition and moving into the third. While the police and media are yielded to quash opposition, popular culture discovers the truth to be self-evident.

The amount of anti-establishment press being generated now is vastly increased from what it was before the banking crisis. The narrow escape from financial catastrophe has awoken the people to the falseness of their perceived world. No manner of shrouding the truth prevents the movement from gaining public strength, until such time when the truth morphs into popular opinion.

Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone

We are in that stage when the fog of lies past begins to part so slightly that rays of enlightenment start to shine through. People turn their heads now and take notice at the new reality they live in. It’s as if their city-scape quickly shifted from the ordered and fair fabrication of reality to a gritty and chaotic landscape of greed, corruption, and deception. And those most greatly affected are the young who have seen their futures sold out to collectivist policies before they ever had a chance to begin, rightfully get angry and protest.

We have come to the point of the conflict where the banker’s black-booted thugs intimidate, bully, and arrest peaceful protesters of the G20. In the case of the Canadian protestors above, they thought they were in a public place. Little did they know the Canadian government had secretly passed a law making the area off-limits to protestors during the G20 meetings, which was not divulged to the protestors until after the meetings had taken place. This is being challenged as un-constitutional by several defendants’ lawyers, but the damage has been done and the message has been sent.

Those that were arrested in Canada were taken to a renovated movie studio which housed cages fit for animals, piled on top of one another. According to several who were taken there, the police used intimidation techniques; denied restroom breaks and phone calls, and treated the people as animals.

A similar situation happened at the Pittsburgh G20 meetings. Apparently, bankers cannot even be questioned publicly without warranting a beat down and arrest.

This is going on in the western world now. This is what the Occupy movement is protesting. They are protesting the rights that all Americans think they have, and use to be protected by limited government.

Those that see the Occupy movement as a hippie protest and urge the protestors to move on don’t understand the urgent, desperate nature of the movement.

The people aren’t just making a political statement. They are fighting for their freedom, their rights, and their very futures. With low employment, rising school costs, and an insurmountable debt heaped upon them by the previous two generations, the young have realized the direness of their situation. They have nothing to lose anymore. It has already been taken from them. The only option is disobedience.

That is precisely why the movement gains strength. Across the world, in many countries, and in many cities in the US, protestors unite in their cause. The movement will not go away, regardless of how much public scorn, state-supported violence, and derision is heaped upon the supposedly ungrateful and lazy few.

Western democracy has not brought fairness to the people. It has plundered and pillaged until the have-nots reach their breaking point. We, as a society, are at the great breaking apart. Regulatory democracy has failed. The inequality wrought upon the people has forced the system to collapse upon itself.

As the founding fathers predicted, democracy is not a stable form of government. That is why they decided to form a Constitutional Republic, to protect the rights of the individual against the tyranny of the many. But slowly over time, our freedom has been abdicated to institutions who through their centralized and sterile influence have instituted a modern feudalistic slavery based upon the un-payable, back-breaking debt ponzi system driven by the unstoppable growth of collectivist social insurance schemes.

Where will it all end? Time has shown that such conflicts are not solved in board rooms and courthouses. They are solved at the level of the oppressed, in the streets. The rabid ugly street anger building in America will soon boil over, as economic conditions worsen and drag more into the tangled nets of poverty.

As all democratic systems do, the pieces of the new American Democracy will fail, one at a time. The government, bloated with inefficient socialism, will cave in on itself. The tentacles of the beast will hold on and drag the central bank down with it into the cauldrons of hell.

The elite will be wounded, scared, and will eventually fracture. But not before they use their crumbling military industrial complex to attempt one last insane war of control. Blood will run in the streets of America. Vast bureaucratic agencies will fight the people that once supported them in a final, vain attempt to survive and maintain the power status quo.

Society will break down. Anarchy will reign. The US dollar will burn. Once a symbol of the greatness of America, fiat money will fuel ovens and fill landfills as it reverts to its intrinsic value, nothing. Debts will not be repaid, though not forgiven easily.

If history is a guide, a dictator will emerge. One who promises change for the people, comes to power, and then betrays them. It happened in China, Germany, Argentina, Cambodia, Korea, and countless other societies.

Our mistakes tend to repeat themselves, no matter how many safeguards we put in place to prevent it from occurring.

Perhaps it is the nature of man to destroy, and then rebuild, and do it yet again. Perhaps peace and individual excellence is a utopian view. Perhaps we are destined to relive our 4 seasons, from spring to winter, over and over. When the system crashes, a new version is simply layered on top of the old one with a few patches and upgrades here and there. The elite few begin their plans once again. And the people forget.

But perhaps not.

We live in a very dynamic time. The Internet is our modern free press since those former bastions of free speech were since bought by elite financial interests. Information moves faster, communication is more effective, and organization of opposition is more efficient. We have seen social media change the landscape of power very quickly across the world. Old ideas and ways are crumbling. The powers appear to have been caught off guard while sitting on top of their hoards of oil, gold, land, debt, and paper money.

If they are purposefully steering a collapse, it appears they have lost control of the ship. There will be no soft landings, only violent collisions with icebergs. As happened with the Enlightenment, the people are gaining traction based upon knowledge of schemes of the few, but at a much faster pace. Despite a technological advantage, those in power should be afraid. The people outnumber them, and are fighting with nothing to lose.

You can shun them and disparage them. You can arrest them. You can shoot them. But nothing will stop a cold, hungry, desperate people with nothing to lose, except the greater society’s unwillingness to stand against tyranny and oppression.

Can we build a better society, free from control systems that promote delusion and deceit? I believe we can pull the plug on the matrix, once and for all. But, as history has shown, the futures of the many are on fragile footing. It will take coordinated effort, luck, and perhaps divine intervention. We must educate people about control systems while preventing another strong, centralized government from emerging.

These used to be common concepts in school, but they have since been changed in our American education system into obedience to the socialist, centralized model which my children are now being brainwashed with.

Whatever the outcome, we will all witness great change and upheaval. It is how we prepare and react for this change that will determine our fates into the new human era.