What the Hell Just Happened?

Nov 17 –After the volatility with this week’s oil prices you might be thinking ‘What the Hell Just Happened?’ How can we go from record prices for the year and calls for $100 oil by year-end to a bear market in oil with prices near $50 in just one month? What changed? Is this the sign of an approaching recession, a new glut in oil, the peak of the business cycle, or major new supplies of oil? Why the dramatic drop in oil? Does any of this even make sense? Jim Puplava and Chris Preitauer unpack all these questions and provide some much needed insight into the fluctuating oil market.

In the second part of the podcast Jim and Chris answer the question: Is this as good as it gets? With record economic growth this year and high corporate profits, many are wondering if the economy can keep up the pace.

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