Stocks Rally as Fed Makes a Dovish Tilt

Jun 7, 2019 – Stocks flew higher this week as Fed chairman Jerome Powell and several Fed governors hinted at possible rate cuts that could begin this summer. Ryan Puplava gives this week's market wrap-up looking at what they said including the latest developments on tariffs, economic data, and more. Jonathan Krinsky, Chief Market Technician at Bay Crest Partners, thinks stocks are unlikely to break out to new highs and that we'll probably be in a trading range until getting more clarity on a number of issues. Rob Bernard gives Financial Sense Newshour an update on the bond market and discusses the steep decline in interest rates here in the U.S. and comments on the increase in negative yielding debt overseas. Lastly, Jim Puplava and Chris Preitauer look at the different messages coming from stocks vs. bonds on the economic data front and the outlook for a slowdown.

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