Christopher Puplava, CRPC®'s Contributions

Stocks Hit Another Record High But It's About to Get Bumpy, Says Chris Puplava

Nov 5 – Frank Barbera, Senior Portfolio Manager at Financial Sense Wealth Management, gives this week's market wrap and technical update on the stock market. Next, our CIO Chris Puplava, discusses the Fed's taper announcement this week...

Weekly Update: Outlook Aligning for Seasonal Rally, 2022 Correction

Oct 25 – Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, covers a wide range of indicators pointing towards a seasonal rally before the onset of another major correction likely in the beginning of 2022...

Winter, Low Inventories, and Price Spikes – How We're Approaching Today's Market

Oct 22 – Bloomberg Intelligence's Chief Equity Strategist Gina Martin Adams joins us to provide an update on her outlook and says what sectors she favors most. Dan Steffens at Energy Prospectus discusses the ongoing energy crisis and the companies...

Weekly Update: Global Liquidity vs. Reflation

Oct 11 – Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, discusses the 'reflation trade' and how this relates to the yield curve, currencies, and particularly global liquidity. Chris takes a look at how the Yen-carry trade relates to prior periods...

Clash of the Tech Titans and Revenge of the ‘Old Economy’

Oct 1 – The dramatic shift away from “dirty energy” to “green energy” has seen large investor capital shift away from resource companies that dominated in the early 2000s towards the FAANG stocks over the last decade. This shift in capital coupled with falling commodity prices

Tom McClellan Says Charts Pointing To 2021 Stock Market Peak

Oct 1 – Frank Barbera gives this week's market wrap-up. Tom McClellan says his models are pointing towards a major stock market peak as early as next month. Dominic Frisby discusses the long-term trend of higher global tax rates and the decline...

Weekly Update: Bond Yields Surge as Inflationary-Led Energy Crisis Unfolds

Sep 27 – Global interest rates are surging, economic data continues to underwhelm, and an energy crisis is unfolding in Europe and elsewhere as coal, gas, and crude oil inventories reach multi-year lows. Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense...

Don’t Call It a Stock Market Because It Ain’t—It’s an “MA Market”

Sep 22 – Over the last three months, Microsoft drove a whopping 16.8% of the S&P 500’s return and Apple 14.6%. Literally, just two of the 500 stocks in the S&P 500 drove nearly one third of the entire index’s return! Throw in the next top two...

Weekly Update: Global Covid Cases Peak; Inflation Expectations Surge

Sep 13 – Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, shows the latest data on Covid cases globally and in major economic regions and how this is corresponding with a surge in inflation expectations. Chris also covers what we are seeing...

Weekend Edition: Rising Inflation, US Jobs Plunge Raises Uncertainty on Fed Tapering

Sep 3 – Incoming data out of China shows further slowing in the world's second largest economy, US hiring sees a major disappointment for the month of August, all the while inflation has yet to moderate and, according to some indicators, may continue...

Weekly Update: Global Money Supply Peak, Rising Odds for Correction in the Coming Months

August 30, 2021 – Global money supply has peaked and steadily decelerating from its high rates of growth following massive injections after the initial Covid lockdowns. Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, shows how global money supply typically leads the S&P 500 and...

Weekly Update: Is it Time to Raise Cash? A Look at US and Global Liquidity

Aug 16 – The financial markets, inflation, and liquidity are all tied together and there are growing signs that investors may want to prepare for volatility ahead. Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, shares recent data...

Global Delta Peak? Also, Robert Rapier on the Problem of Controlling Emissions

Aug 13 – US stocks ended roughly flat this week though a small gain for the Dow and S&P 500 was just enough to push both indices to new record highs. On today's Financial Sense Newshour podcast, we speak with Bruce Fraser and energy expert Robert Rapier...

Jobs Numbers Were Good, But Correction Risks Are Mounting

Aug 6 – Chris Puplava and Frank Barbera discuss the technical backdrop of the market, including some troubling signs with credit spreads and other key indicators. Frank says that we've now seen a record number of months without a correction...

Weekly Update: All Eyes on Delta Peaks and Liquidity Bottoms

Aug 2 – The Covid-19 Delta surge appears to have peaked in many regions with a few notable exceptions. Today, we look at the current data, charts, and trends for Covid across major regions, the various economic impacts we are seeing so far and...

Most Aren't Seeing the Big Picture When it Comes to Inflation, Says Eoin Treacy

Jul 23 – Ryan Puplava gives this week's wrap-up. Basil Chapman says if the Dow breaks above this key level, it's full risk-on. Eoin Treacy breaks down the 'big story' behind inflation and, lastly, Chris Puplava reports on the most recent data looking at...

Weekly Update: Covid Back to Weighing on Market as Small Business Outlook Worsens

Jul 20 – Chris Puplava provides an update on the latest data for delta variant cases in the US, Europe, and elsewhere. Chris shows how cases have surged in certain areas and how this is currently impacting small business revenues, particularly in leisure...

The Reflation Trade Under Fire

Jul 16 – While off to a fast start in the first quarter, the reflation trade has taken a blow that puts its longevity into question. In simplistic terms, reflation characterizes an upswing in economic growth which sees both growth and inflation accelerate...

Market May Be Forming a Near-Term Peak, Says Dave Keller

Jul 9 – Ryan Puplava gives this week's market wrap-up and explains why everyone is watching the 10-year Treasury yield. Next, Dave Keller at says that the stock market is showing signs of exhaustion and may...

Weekly Update: Global Growth (Momentum) Peak

Jul 6 – Chris Puplava, CIO of Financial Sense Wealth Management, explains why we are likely to see peak momentum for global growth this year but not an absolute trend peak for this cycle and what this means for interest rates and various asset classes...

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