Justice Litle is the Editorial Director for the Taipan Publishing Group editor of Taipan's Safe Haven Investor and the free e-letter, Taipan Daily, helping to guide our readers to new global investment frontiers and safe harbors. Justice has worked with hedge funds, traded equities for a private partnership, written multiple articles for Futures Magazine, and been quoted in the Wall Street Journal. He has been sought for market commentary by the likes of Reuters and Dow Jones, made contributions to the book, Trend Following: How Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets, and also filled the lead editor of Outstanding Investments, a popular natural resource newsletter. Originally, pursuing a PhD and a life in academia, Justice studied literature and philosophy in places as diverse as Oxford University (Oxford, England), Palacky University (Olomouc, Czech Republic), and Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). Justice's career path changed forever after discovering "The Investment Biker," Jim Rogers' chronicle of macro investing by way of motorcycle. From there, he began a decade-plus market journey that continues to this day.