Monty Guild's Contributions

Crypto and Blockchain Going Mainstream

By Guild & Danaher – Mumbai-based blockchain firm Regko provides blockchain-based digital asset registry and is implementing a blockchain solution to create a tamper-proof and reliable land registry for Telangana. Several other Indian...

Robots, Robots Everywhere!

By Monty Guild and Tony Danaher – With the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) just past, it might be a good time to mention two developments in robotics that we’ve recently noted. Sage analyst Larry Jeddeloh at The Institutional Strategist noted that this year’s...

Hardware Strikes Back at this Year’s Consumer Electronic Show

By Guild & Danaher – In 2011, software engineer and entrepreneur Marc Andreesen — who was among the inventors of the first web browser — famously said that “software would eat the world.” It was a colorful way of emphasizing the new

Big Tech’s Regulatory Reckoning Coming Soon?

By Guild & Danaher – 2017 has been a year for the big, dominant U.S. technology companies: the advertising duopoly of Alphabet [NASDAQ: GOOG] and Facebook [NASDAQ: FB]; the e-commerce juggernaut of Amazon...

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Continue to Weather the Storm

By Guild & Danaher – Bitcoin had another giddy plunge in mid-September. The cause, this time, was again Chinese regulators, who first banned the “initial coin offerings” that have produced a new flood of digital currencies, and then began shutting down the exchanges...

China Blazes a Trail in Mobile Payments

By Guild & Danaher – In June, we wrote about how China’s world-leading innovation in social commerce is being driven by one of the greatest transformations in history: two decades of unprecedented economic growth...

Is Bitcoin a Bubble? Probably Not

By Guild & Danaher – Digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ether, and others have appreciated so much in 2017 that their interest and appeal are irresistible — not just to speculators, but increasingly to institutional investors.

The Bitcoin Fork

By Guild & Danaher – Bitcoin’s wild gyrations have this year become even wilder, driven largely by an ongoing “civil war” within the community of coders and miners who make up the cryptocurrency’s ecosystem. So what’s the nature of this civil war, what are the...

Beyond Bitcoin

By Monty Guild and Tony Danaher – Last week we wrote a simple introduction to digital currencies, describing the motivation of their creators, the technologies that underlie them, and some of the pitfalls that may be waiting for...

Chip Wars and the Race for Artificial Intelligence

By Monty Guild & Tony Danaher – Radical transformation is coming in many fields of human culture and endeavor. No, this is not just boilerplate praise of ongoing incremental technological innovation. The only way to grasp the magnitude and significance of these incipient

To Defeat AI, Elon Musk Wants to Connect Your Brain to the Internet

Elon Musk is a larger-than-life titan of industry — the modern equivalent of Gilded Age figures such as Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller. The style may have changed, but the essence is the same: bold innovators and visionaries who identify...

Google’s DeepMind Wants to Enter the Grid

At the beginning of the year, we wrote about Alphabet’s [NASDAQ: GOOG] acquisition of a British artificial intelligence (AI) startup called DeepMind. DeepMind made headlines last year when its AlphaGo program defeated...

Could the Fed Buy Stocks?

Recently, we have heard noises from several different places touching on the theme of equities purchases by the Federal Reserve. The first was during Fed Chair Janet Yellen’s most recent testimony before Congress when Rep. Mick Mulvaney asked her about...

“Saving Social Security” May End in Dollar Devaluation

As the US presidential election nears, we are doing a series of reports on the differences and agreements of major parties on various economic and financial topics. Last week, we noted one area where the major-party candidates...

Sovereign Debt Downgrades Accelerate in 2016

The three main rating agencies—Fitch, Moody’s, and Standard and Poor's—all went on a downgrading spree in the first half of 2016. So far this year, Standard and Poor's has downgraded 16 sovereigns, Moody’s has downgraded 24...

“Road Trains” Are Ready: Who Wins, and Who Loses?

Breathless news that driverless cars are poised to take over the roadways has so far left us skeptical—partly because we believe that the technological challenges to real-world implementation are higher than...

Corruption and Cronies: A Popular Revolt Worldwide and a Tectonic Shift in the Making

Around the world, a change that has been slowly gathering momentum seems to be accelerating: everywhere we look, we see the public revelation of political and economic corruption. The abuse of political power for personal gain has...

The Artificial Intelligence vs. Intelligence Augmentation Debate

A year ago, Tesla [NASDAQ: TSLA] CEO Elon Musk and Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking created a stir as prominent signatories of an open letter warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and the need for concerted efforts in the research community...

Google Brings Quantum Computing Closer to Reality

Last Tuesday, the Google Research Blog announced the publication of a new paper by Alphabet’s (NASDAQ: GOOG) Quantum AI team, reporting on the results of experiments run on the quantum computer system that GOOG operates jointly with NASA. That system was produced by...

US Real Estate: The Lay of the Land

Stocks and real estate both suffered sharp declines during the Great Recession, and both have recovered in the more-than-six years since the downturn officially ended. An examination of the forces driving the recovery of real estate returns, and a view of their trends, can also help...

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