Chris Martenson PhD's Contributions

Investors Beware: Market Risks Today Are Higher than Ever

After the shot across the bow in 2008, you might have expected that regulators and market participants would use the experience to change for the better, to become more prudent, and to reduce the sorts of risky behaviors that almost crashed the entire system.

The Real Reason the Economy Is Broken (and Will Stay That Way)

More and more economic sinkholes

We are far enough and deep enough into the most heroic monetary and fiscal efforts ever undertaken to finally ask, why aren't these measures working? Or at least we should be. Oddly, many in DC, on Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve continue to steadfastly refuse to include anything in their approaches and frameworks other than "more of the same."

QE for Dummies

Understanding the most outlandish monetary experiment ever conducted

The reason that QE differs from normal monetary policy is that, in the normal case, the purchase of various bond types by the Fed does two things: It lowers interest rates, and it increases the amount of money in the system.

The Really, Really Big Picture

Not Enough Net Energy for Economic Growth

There has been a very strong and concerted public-relations effort to spin the recent shale energy plays of the U.S. as complete game-changers for the world energy outlook.

QE 4: Folks, This Ain't Normal

What you need to know about the Fed's latest move

Okay, the Fed's recent decision to boost its monetary stimulus (a.k.a. "money printing," "quantitative easing," or simply "QE") by another $45 billion a month to a combined $85 billion per month demonstrates an almost complete departure from what a normal person might consider sensible.

In a Bad Spot

The Future Becomes Clearer, But More Precarious

After traveling some, speaking with lots of people, reading, and digesting, I cannot escape the conclusion that things remain hopelessly off track. Whatever form of 'recovery' is being sought here simply will not arrive.

The Trouble With Printing Money

It is against the larger backdrop of borrowing and spending well beyond our means that we need to interpret this most recent effort by the Fed to print our way back to prosperity.

What to Do When Every Market Is Manipulated

Hint: Cut the Strings

What do the following have in common? LIBOR, Bernie Madoff, MF Global, Peregrine Financial, zero-percent interest rates, the Social Security and Medicare entitlement funds, many state and municipal pension funds, mark-to-model asset values, quote stuffing and high frequency trading (HFT), and debt-based money?

Joel Salatin: We Are the Solution, as Well as the Problem

A call for “ecological participation”

The only obstacle to implementing these solutions is our own intransigence. Our politics and economy are deeply wed to the heavily depleting and input-dependent practices of modern mega-farms. So there are big interests concerned with protecting the status quo, even though it is simply not sustainable in the long term.

Our Money Is Dying

Don't let your wealth die with it

A question on the minds of many people today (increasingly those who manage or invest money professionally) is this: How do I preserve wealth during a period of intense official intervention in and manipulation of money supply, price, and asset markets?

Post-FOMC Macro Update with Chris Martenson

The Next Level with Chris Martenson

Following the FOMC meeting and extension of Operation Twist, Erik reviews the macro backdrop with Dr. Chris Martenson of

Jim Puplava: Oil Is The New Federal Funds Rate

Jim Puplava has made a decades-long career of interviewing hundreds of notable experts on the economy, energy, precious metals, geopolitics, agriculture and other sectors that impact our future.

The Trouble with Money

Recently I was asked by a high school teacher if I had any ideas about why students today seem so apathetic when it comes to engaging with the world around them. I waggishly responded, "Probably because they're smart."

Gold Is Manipulated (But That's Okay)

Price suppression equals buying opportunity

The price of gold is being actively managed by central planners and their proxies. The main culprit here appears to be the US authorities, as the manipulation is most apparent in the US open gold market. For the most part, this 'management' has resulted in letting the price of gold rise, but not too much, or too quickly.

Japan Is Now Another Spinning Plate in the Global Economy Circus

At the circus, you are sometimes treated to the spinning plate act where a performer tries to keep an improbable number of plates spinning at once, racing from one plate to the next as their wobbles indicate the need for another dose of momentum.

Dangerous Ideas

We are at a key turning moment in history. The actions that we will soon decide to take will be determined by the beliefs we hold. At a time like this, holding the wrong set of beliefs can destroy your wealth, sap your joy, and even prove to be life-shortening.

Why Our Currency Will Fail

The idea that the very same economic forces that are currently plaguing Greece, et al., are somehow not relevant to the United States' circumstances does not hold water. As goes the rest of the world, so goes the US.

The Folly of Warmongering with Iran

Should oil spike in price due to a conflict with Iran, you can practically set an egg timer for the beginning of the next leg of the financial downturn.

The Risks that will Cause a Global Currency Devaluation

In 2008 there was a lot more faith and optimism upon which to draw. But both have been squandered to significant degrees by feckless regulators and authorities who failed to properly address any of the root causes of the first crisis even as they slathered layer after layer of thin-air money over many of the symptoms.

How to Position Yourself for the Future: Step 1 - Financial Security

The financial steps investors should undertake right now to manage future risks

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