Jeb Handwerger's Contributions

Jeb Handwerger on Lithium, Tesla, and Metals

Nov 5 – Jeb Handwerger explains recent developments in the lithium space, including Tesla and the wider adoption of lithium powered batteries by other carmakers, and then also provides his outlook on precious metals and why there may be some more downside...

The Greek Canary Sings

Are Gold, Silver and Natural Resource Investors Listening?

The market wires are ablaze recently with news that all is well in the relationship between Athens and the elites of the Euro-Zone. The Greek bailout is a fait accompli. The markets are responding with a relief rally that has taken the pressure off of stock and commodity markets internationally since the beginning of July.

Strategic Oil Release Will Not Hurt Clean Energy Progress

The recent release of 60 million barrels of oil (OIL) will artificially lower the price. High oil prices has been the best catalyst for clean energy production and fuel efficient vehicles. Increasing the supply of oil may be pushing down the demand for rare earths(REMX), uranium(URA) and lithium(LIT) only short term. This decline in oil prices should not drastically hurt the development of rare earth assets outside China.

To QE or Not to QE? That is the Question

While the media is customarily thought to disseminate news, there is a far more intriguing purpose in the role of the relationship between the national mindset and the intended purposes of economic establishment.

Currency Volatility Should Support Gold and Silver

Global debt issues combined with weakening US economic data has reignited the quest to protect capital. Investors are seeking the ultimate safe havens in the US dollar (UUP), long term treasuries (TLT), gold (GLD), and silver (AGQ) in order to protect their wealth from the onslaught of currency instability and US economic weakness.

The Euro-Dollar Dance Doesn’t Fool Gold And Silver Bulls

The euro (FXE) slid compared to the U.S. dollar (UUP) after meeting and reversing at its long term down-trend resistance line two weeks ago. About four weeks prior to that, I alerted readers that the Euro could reverse lower supporting precious metal prices.

Don’t Give Up On The Rare Earth Mining Sector Yet

The prices of rare earth oxides are blasting through the stratosphere. Manufacturers are driving prices in their haste to involve them in production of hybrid vehicles, wind turbines and the most high tech applications of which many sophisticated investors are unaware. These producers need the rare earth ore and are willing to pay for them on the world markets.

Understanding the Yuan-USD Link to Metals & Commodities

In early January of 2011, a top secret candlelight dinner was held at the White House. There was no fanfare and meager publicity. Present were the industrial, military and governmental heads of both China and the United States. Our government had just digested the failures of Lehman Brothers, AIG and other corporate icons by creating massive bailouts and running up trillion dollar budgetary deficits. China was also concerned about inflation and soaring prices due to the intentional debasement of the U.S. currency (UUP) by the Federal Reserve. Both sides reached a modus vivendi, so they could mutually profit from these agreements. Please see my article on the “Chinamese Twins” back from January 2011 to understand these past few weeks.

Is A Healthy Correction Overdue in Gold And Silver?

When one begins trading it is important to realize that it is like any other business and your goods are your stocks. There is a basic rule that one must learn and never forget when buying and selling merchandise. You must be prepared to accumulate your products when there is a panic and sell them when there is euphoria. One has to sell when the product is in demand and the investment public becomes aggressive and buy when it is out of favor and the public shows little to no interest. In August of 2010 and January of 2011 precious metals both gold and silver presented excellent buying opportunities.

Parabolic Blowoff In Silver, Gold Price Steady

The virtues of gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) are being addressed far and wide. My readers know the steady drumbeat of praise that is reaching a crescendo for the white metal scares the hell out of me. The driving forces behind silver’s price come from investors, industrial demands and a global shortage. The world simply is using more silver than the mines produce and new silver discoveries are becoming difficult to find. These factors are becoming truisms for public consumption. A parabolic rise has formed in silver as gold advances on to our measured target of $1600. Please note that at these times of extreme optimism volatile pullbacks become more prevalent. Parabolic rises must be approached with caution. Silver has rallied moving exponentially while gold is still moving linear.

U.S. Budget Impasse

Momentous Significance for Holders of Gold and Silver

Regardless of whether a compromise is reached over the approaching lockdown of the United States ceiling and the raising of the debt, this impasse has momentous significance for holders of gold (SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)) and silver (iShares Silver Trust (SLV)). The serious weaknesses of our economic structure are exposing it as a paper tiger. Instead of seeking fiscal sanity, the inability of our leaders to agree on even the smallest of issues is reminiscent of the Roman Empire dealing out bread and circus to the masses when Rome could no longer afford the good times and the games.

Gold and Silver Breaks Out

Technical Targets Being Monitored

Gold broke out of its 6 month consolidation and cup and handle pattern. The gold bulls are now in control and short covering should begin to cause an explosive move to my late January target of $1600 on gold and $40 on silver. In late January, gold and silver were in a sell-off and many were predicting lower prices as moving averages were broken. Now we are on our way to the January target in gold of $1600.

Rare Earth Stocks Heat Up On Legislative Action

There have been major developments occurring this week in the rare earth arena, which could hold significance for the expansion into Europe of Molycorp (MCP) and the development of a US domestic supply chain of rare earths (Market Vectors Rare Earth/Str Metals ETF (REMX).

Uranium Mining Stocks

Sanity to Return as Media-Induced Nuclear Power Fear Subsides

The Cassandras of the media beat the drums of fear concerning Japan’s millennial tragedy, which has been a confluence of perfect storms. There has been a great deal of bad news coming out of Japan which the press has spun into a blanket condemnation of the entire nuclear industry.

A Tale of Two Currencies

Best of Times for Precious Metals, Worst of Times for U.S. Dollar

It is the best of times for equities and precious metals and the worst of times for the U.S. dollar. It is prudent to focus on the sectors with long secular uptrends as these patterns tend to last longer than expected and produce the greatest returns. Gold (GLD) and Silver (SLV) are in a decade long uptrend as geopolitical uncertainty and rising debt levels have caused many investors to seek the safe haven shelter of real money. In July 2010, as the European Crisis was the prominent topic of worry, gold reversed higher and made a major move on central bank plans to ease.

Rare Earth Metal Stocks Rebounding

Not too long ago in our national history, mining for rare earths (Market Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals (REMX)) was an American enterprise. As in so many other areas, such as nuclear power, automobiles and technolgoy, it was decided that the US would shut down industries and farm the work out.

Will This Breakout In Gold Be Authentic?

Physical demand for gold and silver is strong as investors seek protection of wealth against uncertainty in the Middle East. It has already been reported that Col. Qaddafi has been a wise gold investor, preparing for this crisis by hoarding a large amount of the precious metal to fund his military and to hedge against economic sanctions.

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

It's very difficult for a trader to stick to a plan and not let news events dictate decisions. But every once in awhile there are news items that come along and attempt to trip investors up, forcing some to take their eye off the big picture. Many of us understand the long-term potential of precious metals and commodities, but the emotions -- either unbridled enthusiasm or gloom and doom -- of the herd often affect our decisions negatively at short-term turning points.

Excellent Opportunities In Nuclear And Uranium Stocks

There's an old saying in investing: Buy a winter coat in the summer. Uranium stocks are certainly out of season and deeply discounted. Media coverage has shifted from the destruction of the earthquake to the negative aspects of nuclear energy. Nothing puts fear into the public more than green men in radiation outfits.

Investors Flee Paper For Precious Metals

Natural disasters and political uncertainty

Last week the Japanese earthquake darkened the skies with an unexpected flock of black swans. On top of an act of nature, we have the persisting presence of eurozone debt fears, currency wars, the Middle East unrest, and the near bankruptcy of many states in America.

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