Financial Sense's Contributions

Supercarrier Disruption in the Middle East?

Jan 7 – Just days before the US launched an Iranian airstrike and killed their top commander, Peter Zeihan told our listeners that geopolitical and economic incentives are now shifting the US away from being a guarantor of global...

Martin Armstrong, Robert Shiller, and Jim Rickards - Here Were Our Most Popular Interviews in 2019

Jan 2 – Nobel-prize winning economist Robert Shiller discussed the overlap between economics and epidemiology with his latest book Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral and Drive Major Economic Events. Martin Armstrong...

Foreign Markets to Lead in 2020?

Dec 26 – As we reach the culmination of the holiday season and as the Santa Claus rally continues, greed has replaced fear in the markets. Will this continue into the new year? The Financial Sense Newshour talked to John Kosar of Asbury Research to find out what’s in store...

CPM Group's Jeff Christian Discusses Buy Signal on Silver, 2020 Outlook

Dec 23 – Financial Sense Newshour recently spoke with CPM Group's Jeff Christian, one of the most accurate strategists and forecasters on precious metals and commodities, to hear where he thinks gold and silver will be trading in 2020...

The Best Books the Financial Sense Staff Read in 2019

Dec 19 – We've compiled a list of some of the favorite books the Financial Sense Wealth Management staff read in 2019. We think books are excellent gifts to receive year-round, and especially for the holidays. Whether you select one of the following for someone on your...

Smooth Sailing for the Markets in 2020?

Dec 19 – Financial Sense Newshour spoke with Dave Nicoski of Vermillion Research and with Ryan Sweet of Moody’s Analytics to get their takes on what 2020 has in store. In the Big Picture, Jim Puplava and Chris Preitauer look at the battle between energy and the markets...

Jim Puplava's Favorite Books of 2019

Dec 13 – Books are excellent gifts to receive year-round, and especially for the holidays. Whether you select one of the following for someone on your list, or add it your own library, we hope you'll enjoy the best books Jim Puplava read in 2019...

Confidence in Global Markets Remains

Dec 12 –Companies in the financial, healthcare, industrial and information technology sectors are showing strong breadth by hitting new 52-week highs. These are the exact areas we want to see improvement in to ​​confirm a trough in global growth...

Gina Martin Adams on 2020 Outlook, Greg Weldon on Dollar Weakness

Dec 10 – 2020 is right around the corner and that means it’s time to start thinking about what the year will bring and what it means for investors. Financial Sense Wealth Management spoke to Gina Martin Adams, chief equity strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence...

Going on a Cruise Doesn't Have to Break the Bank

Dec 9 – Cruises are proving to be an increasingly popular way for retirees and families alike to travel and vacation. At first glance, it may seem like going on a cruise could break the bank, however, Bob Levinstein of...

'Thin-Air Credit' Spikes in the Fourth Quarter

Dec 6 – The Fed is now injecting hundreds of billions of dollars into the financial system and expanding their balance sheet at the fastest monthly pace since the 2008 financial crisis, which some—like Duncan—are calling a resumption of quantitative easing...

Globalization in a Sudden and Sharp Decline

Dec 5 – Is the end of globalization near? On a recent edition of FS Insider Ben Breitholtz of Arbor Research and Trading discussed the trend toward deglobalization and the implications this may have on inflation, interest rates and stock prices...

Why Are Stocks Rallying? Compare This Year to Last!

Nov 27 – In September 2018, the Fed signaled a hawkish turn towards more tightening, stating they were nowhere close to neutral, followed by other statements indicating quantitative tightening (QT) was basically on automatic pilot. The Fed...

Thanksgiving and the Family Glue

Nov 26 – It’s no secret that the greatest source of wealth in the U.S. is contained in privately held businesses. But here's a sad fact: Many of the great fortunes never make it down to the third generation, and that’s what we’re talking about with author Mitzi Perdue...

Consider These Year End Tax Moves

Nov 25 – As the end of 2019 approaches and the holiday season commences, tax planning is often not at the top of everyone’s to-do list. But, with U.S. presidential elections and changing tax environments on the horizon, you might want to spend some time getting your tax...

Elevated Sentiment Readings Provide Short-term Caution, Though Building Signs of Global Recovery

Nov 20 – As we discussed in last Friday’s Financial Sense Newshour podcast, there are emerging signs of a global recovery based on leading economic indicators for China and 34 OECD countries. However, as stated in last week’s update...

FOMO in Full Force

Nov 19 – The Dow topped 28,000 for the first time in history. Retail sales rebounded in October and the Fed added $68 billion to financial markets. These factors are all helping to fuel market expansion and on a recent edition of the Financial Sense Newshour...

Margaret O’Mara on the Transformation of Silicon Valley

Nov 13 – Silicon Valley has taken on its own mythos, but its origins can be found in the roots of government research and innovation that took place following World War II. FS Insider spoke to Margaret O’Mara about her newly released book...

Gray Clouds Clearing for US Markets

Nov 12 – On a recent edition of the Financial Sense Newshour Jim Puplava discussed market conditions with Richard Dickson of Lowry Research. Dickson explained what his technical indicators show about current market conditions. Then Robert Rapier...

Manage Your FICO Score and Maximize Your Credit Gains

Nov 8 – Managing your credit and knowing what factors play into determining your credit score are key ways to boost your financial wellbeing. On the most recent edition of Millennial Monday, Crystal Kessler and Justine Hall delve into all things credit and explain why...

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