Don Bauder's Contributions

Almost 40% of Households Can’t Afford San Diego

A new study released March 6, reveals that 38% of San Diego County's working-age households can't afford a no-frills lifestyle without public or private assistance.

Utilities Battle the Inevitable: Rooftop Solar

A pitched battle is raging on California rooftops. On one side are the state’s major electric utilities — San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and Pacific Gas & Electric.

Bubbles: Greenspan, Bernanke Could Have Learned Something in San Diego

Since early 2009, the American stock market has more than doubled while the economy has crawled up by about 2 percent. Bad economic news is good market news. Sequester? Stocks zoomed right past it.

Smarter Cities Richer

New census bureau data show the direct link between percentage of bachelor’s degrees and median income in urban areas.

Wall Street's High Speed Gamble

When I was in first grade, the school janitor asked what my father did for a living. I said he was a stockbroker. He said, “Oh, one of those gamblers.” I cried all the way home and told my mother what the janitor had said. She couldn’t stifle a laugh.

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