Adam Taggart's Contributions

You’ve Got No Job!

As we've transitioned to an economy in which corporate profitability — and thereby, stock prices — is THE metric for success, the employer-employee relationship has become much more superficial than in past generations.

The Government Comes Up With the Money

I think I'm shocking no one when I emphasize that our political leaders act as if money is magically produced whenever the need is great enough. Weak economy? Print money to bring interest rates down. Banks unstable? Print more money to buy...

Is Gold at a Turning Point?

Precious metals investors' heartbreak may soon be over

There's no way to sugarcoat the dismal performance of the precious metals in recent months. But a revisitation of the reasons for owning them reveals no cracks in the underlying thesis for doing so.

The S&P 500 Is Now a Gambler's Paradise With 76.9% Up Days in May So Far

Everyone knows the odds of winning in a casino are worse than 50% (often much worse depending on the game played). So who wouldn't rush to a casino where, instead, the odds were overwhelmingly in the gambler's favor?

What Smarter Minds Than Mine Think About Gold

If you're long the precious metals, beatings like they're taking today (gold down 4%, silver down 6%) can seriously shake your confidence. At times of self-doubt like these, I look to learn what people smarter than I are thinking; as there's a good chance they're seeing the big picture more clearly.

America Isn’t Ready for Its Future

The American spirit is rooted in the belief of a better tomorrow. Its success has been due to generations of men and women who toiled, through both hardship and boom times, to make that dream a reality.

Gold’s Regular Morning Mugging

A broad daylight crime-in-progress?

Not everyone is a morning person. And few people like Mondays. But if you're a precious metals investor, mornings – especially Mondays – are brutal.

A Short Lesson in Bad Decision-Making

Humans are simply bad at assessing risk

In business school I had to take an introductory class in statistics that we colloquially called "D&D." The official course name was Data & Decision-making.

Time to Focus on ‘Return of Capital’

The U.S. Presidential race is now behind us. And this morning the world woke up and realized that all the issues the election postponed now lie before us.

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