Keith Weiner's Contributions

They’re Coming to Take Away Your Cash

The stories are all over the Internet. Governments are forcing us into a cashless society. Supposedly the pretext is terrorism, and the real reason is to take more control. No doubt more power appeals to politicians, and banning cash...

Are Hedge Funds Worth More Than Kindergartens?

"The top 25 hedge fund managers made more than all the kindergarten teachers in the country," declared President Obama in a discussion of poverty at Georgetown University. Calling them “society’s lottery winners...

The Swiss Franc Will Collapse

The Swiss yield curve looks like nothing so much as a sinking ship. All but the 20- and 30-year bonds are now below the water line. Look at how much it’s submerged in just one week. The top line (yellow) is January 16...

In America, Government Pays You Interest. In Switzerland, You Pay Government.

The old joke is, “(with a Russian accent) In America, you correct newspaper, but in Soviet Union, newspaper corrects you.” Switzerland is now experiencing the bond market equivalent. In America, the government pays...

Monetary Metals Supply and Demand Update

This is a brief follow up on the Supply and Demand Report of 30 November. In that report, we observed an extraordinary development in the gold market. We made several predictions, which came true almost immediately.

Swiss Gold Initiative: Good Idea With Unintended Consequences

There is now a very interesting initiative on the Swiss ballot, which will require the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to hold 20 percent of its reserves in gold. The voters will decide on November 30. I won’t predict the vote, but I want to discuss the likely impact of a yes vote.

100% of Mainstream Interest Rate Theory Is Wrong

An interesting article on MarketWatch today caught my attention. The subhead is the money quote, “Back in April every economist in a survey thought yields would rise. Guess what they did next.”

Keith Weiner on Gold Manipulation, Naked Short Selling, and China’s Gold Imports

The Driver Behind China’s Gold Imports

Oct 21 – In a reprise edition of FS Insider from earlier this year, Cris Sheridan interviews Keith Weiner PhD, president of Gold Standard Institute USA, and CEO of Monetary Metals. In looking at the futures market, Keith explains there is no evidence for gold manipulation through naked short selling.

The Wrong Idea About Inflation

I think it’s important to acknowledge that the economy is not stateless. A change in one variable—e.g. money supply—may have a different effect depending on the states of individual actors in the economy.

Metals: Start of a New Trend?

Readers have been asking if there has been any signs of a turn in the market, especially for silver. Something may be happening. Read on…

Like Dripping Silver Icicles

I don’t typically emphasize price charts in analyzing the market, however something unusual has been happening in the spot (physical) silver market. It did not happen in the silver futures market, nor in the gold market.

Will Silver Do a Headfake?

Something extraordinary occurred last week. On Wednesday, the Fed made a routine announcement. That day, the price of silver was rising, but not out of the normal. Fireworks began last Thursday, and in 6 hours, the price of silver skyrocketed by 5%.

Keith Weiner on Gold Manipulation, Naked Short Selling, and China’s Gold Imports

Jun 17 – Cris Sheridan, Senior Editor of Financial Sense, welcomes Keith Weiner Ph.D., president of Gold Standard Institute USA, and CEO of Monetary Metals. In looking at the futures market, Keith explains there is no evidence for...

Barclays Caught Red Handed Manipulating Gold

It was all over the news last week, both mainstream and gold sites. Barclays was caught manipulating the gold price. They were fined £26M, and forced to pay a client who was damaged by their action.

The End (of the Silver Fix) Is Nigh

For a long time, many in the gold and silver communities have been saying that the prices of the monetary metals are manipulated. Recently, one particular allegation came to prominence because it was asserted by the German regulator BaFin.

Why Was China Carrying Gold?

The basic idea of capital controls is that the government thinks it can tell the difference between “good” and “bad” types of money moving in or out. As we’ll see below, arbitragers are clever and will do whatever it takes to make their transactions look like the “good” kind.

Still No Basis for Higher Silver Prices

In looking at supply/demand fundmentals for the metals, particularly silver, Keith Weiner writes, "There is absolutely no call for higher prices here."

The Theory of Interest and Prices in Practice

Medieval thinkers were tempted to believe that if you throw a rock it flies straight until it runs out of force, and then it falls straight down.

Theory of Interest and Prices in Paper Currency Part VI (The End)

The lower the rate of interest falls, the more it destabilizes the system because it makes the debtors more brittle. The dollar system has, to borrow a phrase from Ayn Rand, blackmailed people not by their vices, but by their virtues.

Oscillation, Feedback, and Resonance

I just saw this fascinating video of a bunch of metronomes that begin ticking out of sync with one another, but slowly line up until they all beat in unison.

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