Global Risk Insights's Contributions

Trump Taking the Gloves Off in Escalating Cyberwar

Global Risk Insights – U.S. cyber policy is shedding the overly-careful approach favored during the Obam- era, becoming more activist and increasingly likely to reach into foreign networks for the sake of defense. While this carries an increased risk...

Argentina's Currency Crisis - Here's What You Need to Know

By Global Risk Insights – Argentina’s contemporary problems are a typical currency crisis. Those who hold Argentine pesos or peso-denominated assets are selling, partly to buy US dollars and dollar-denominated assets because the US Federal Reserve...

The Geopolitics of Natural Gas

By Global Risk Insights – As US exports of liquefied natural gas have increased, policymakers on both sides of the Atlantic have viewed them as a way to decrease Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas. However, while US exporters have some...

Italian Government Bond Sell-Off Limits Room for Populist Spending

By Global Risk Insights – The recent bond market sell-off reinforced concerns that investors have over the populist government’s spending plans. Given the exposure domestic banks have to sovereign debt and the winding down of the ECB...

Sanctions, Oil, and the Emerging China-Russia-Iran Axis

By Global Risk Insights – Although China has backpedaled on proposed tariffs on US crude imports, the move is indicative of its need to diversify sources and steps may now be taken to enable China to play the oil card in the future – including imports from Iran despite sanctions and drawing closer to Russia.

China and India Establish “Oil Buyers’ Club” to Counter OPEC

By Global Risk Insights – On June 11, major Chinese and Indian oil companies started a formal meeting in Beijing, discussing the establishment of an “oil buyers’ club” to negotiate better prices with OPEC countries.

China Attacks Private Debt Companies for “Economic Crimes”

By Global Risk Insights – As China transitions from prioritizing economic growth to maintaining economic stability, the government has begun levying steep penalties on high-debt private companies for “economic crimes.” Kiana Mendoza...

Special Report: Cryptocurrency’s Future May Depend on Cybersecurity

By Global Risk Insights – Despite the excitement around all things crypto, the proliferation of cryptocurrency ventures is generating new cybersecurity risks. How governments and industry manage those risks may determine...

Blockchain Goes East: Opportunities in China

By Global Risk Insights – As cryptocurrencies dominate global headlines, China is consistently quashing the hype within its borders. But as Beijing ratchets up its pressure on bitcoin, this time targeting mining...

Special Report: The Hidden Risks of the Electric Car Revolution

By Global Risk Insights – Global demand in electric cars is expected to hit new highs in 2018, as China, India and Norway take the lead with new government initiatives. Amid the fanfare, the risks of the electric vehicle revolution...

Will the US Midterms Spell the End of #MAGA?

By Global Risk Insights – Historically, the President’s party loses seats in midterm elections. In 2010, for instance, Democrats lost 63 seats in the House of Representatives to the GOP. In the context of recent election victories, one of the most notable ones...

Power Brokers: Saudi Crown Prince Clears a Path to the Throne

By Global Risk Insights – Just two weeks ago, the Future Investment Initiative summit in Riyadh took place to international acclaim. Now, investor interest has turned to intense uncertainty, as Crown Prince Mohammed bin...

India’s Aadhaar Program and the Future of Biometrics

By Global Risk Insights – India’s biometric identification program, known as Aadhaar, has gone from an optional program to a mandatory one, and is collecting more data than ever expected. In light of private information being...

Article 9 and Japan’s Missile Defense Dilemma

By Global Risk Insights – After North Korea’s recent missile tests over Japan, new questions have been raised about the ‘pacifist clause’ of the Japanese Constitution and the effectiveness of Japan’s missile defense strategy.

Is the Referendum on Kurdish Independence a Spark in a Powder Keg?

By Global Risk Insights – Kurdish authorities announced on Wednesday that Iraqi Kurds overwhelmingly voted in favor of a split from Iraq, with 92.7 percent of the electorate casting their vote in support of Kurdistan’s...

Automation Will Make Countries With a Youth Bulge More Volatile

By Global Risk Insights – Automation is on track to disrupt the status quo everywhere, but nations with a youth bulge will be more affected than others. A large youth population whose employment and future is threatened by automation...

The Domestic and Global Shocks of the Growing Water Crisis in China

By Global Risk Insights – China is plagued by a growing water security crisis and its current solutions are far from sufficient. The reverberations of this crisis have already had global implications, notably encouraging the Arab Spring.

Universal Basic Income: Can It Work?

By Global Risk Insights – With the increase of workplace automation and robotics, the fear of rising unemployment has many economists and policymakers worried how a displaced labor force will survive. The response to...

Banking Reform in China: Too Little, Too Late?

By Global Risk Insights – China’s economic expansion requires a responsive and responsible banking system to keep money flowing. This means financial reform in how China does business or else face severe financial implications having global consequences.

What Is the Most Likely Outcome of the Qatar Crisis?

By Global Risk Insights – The diplomatic crisis resulting from sanctions against Qatar raises fresh questions concerning the political and economic environment in the Gulf. A guest post by Anas Abdoun. Just a fortnight after President...

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