Matthew Kerkhoff's Contributions

Matthew Kerkhoff on “Trump Rally,” Yield Curve, and Economy

Apr 13 – Many refer to the what’s taken place in the US stock market since Trump’s election as the “Trump rally,” but, according to Matthew Kerkhoff at Model Investing, the true driver behind stocks is reflation (higher growth and inflation)...

Why the “Trump Rally” Is Nothing But a Bunch of Fake News

Many of us in the US have been swept up by what’s come to be known as the “Trump Rally.” The guise for this massive rise in stock prices over the past few months has been the promise of business-friendly tax reform, deregulation...

A Change in the Wind

Markets are reacting to Friday’s abandonment of the GOP health care plan, and so far the narrative is one of uncertainty regarding the high expectations that have been set over recent months. The new health care bill was seen as the...

A Look at the Yield Curve and Why the Fed Is Raising Rates

All attention is once again on Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve this week, as the FOMC meets to determine whether an interest rate hike is warranted. At this point, with Fed Funds futures prices pointing toward a 95% chance of a rate hike...

Global LEIs and Technicals Point Up

This post-election stock market rally has been exciting and profitable, but it has also become long in the tooth. After going nowhere for almost two years, the Industrials shot from 18,000 to 19,000 in about a two-week period, took out...

Why Global GDP Is Converging Towards 1%

After years of fighting against the forces of deflation, many areas of the world, including the US, are experiencing a rebound in inflation and growth prospects. The promise of rising prices and accelerating economic growth are causing asset...

Secular Shift in Interest Rates?

When the cost of money changes, everything changes. Interest rates affect every aspect of the financial universe. At the global level, they impact currency and trade flows between nations. At the national level, they affect the discounted...

Productivity Growth: The Missing Link?

Spend enough time listening to the financial news or reading economic reports, and you’re bound to come across the topic of productivity growth. This concept, which can be easy to gloss over, plays a critical role in each one of...

Key Themes for 2017: Earnings, the Dollar, Tax Cuts and Stimulus

This year promises to be unlike any other. Yes, I say that every year … but this time change really does seem to be upon us. As we kick off the new year, let’s take a step back and look at the broad themes of last year that are...

Shifting Landscapes

Dec 14 – Today, we discuss the fatal flaws of two Nobel-prize winning theories, the efficient market hypothesis and modern portfolio theory, in terms of modern investment strategy in part two of our conversation with Matthew Kerkhoff, Chief...

Tax Cuts, Earnings, and Expectations

Dec 9 – Matthew Kerkhoff, Chief Investment Strategist at Model Investing and a contributor a Dow Theory Letters, explains the drivers of the current rally with analysis on how corporate tax cuts translate to increased earnings...

Boom and Bust

The monthly nonfarm payrolls report (aka. the “jobs report”) is one of the most important economic reports investors follow each month. Seen as both an important gauge of the economy’s momentum, and a major driver of Fed policy...

Bullish Confirmations and the Primary Trend

Part of the essence of Dow Theory has to do with confirmations, which at their root level look for congruencies in the marketplace. With many indicators frequently moving in different directions, alignments across key market barometers...

Beware of a Trump Surprise

Do you have sweaty palms? Heart palpitations? Recent trouble sleeping at night? If so, you’re not alone. This has been one of the most divisive campaigns ever, and many people are reporting elevated levels of stress.

Higher Rates – More Trick Than Treat

Low interest rates have been the bane of savers, retirees, pensioners and many others for a number of years now. With interest rates on the verge of rising, these folks are starting to breathe a sigh of relief.

Is the “Earnings Recession” Over?

Over the past five quarters, corporate profits have been shrinking, but the stock market remains near all-time highs. This divergence can’t persist forever, and will eventually break one way or the other.

December Rate Hike Considerations

Looking at Fed Fund futures prices, it’s evident that the market is pricing in a rate hike for December. You can see this in the chart below, which shows nearly 70% of market participants expecting the Fed Funds rate to be 25 – 50 basis points higher following that meeting.

Market Dynamics in a Rising Rate Environment

Over the last decade, “Don’t fight the Fed” has become an increasingly important mantra and a very profitable one. After raising rates 17 times between 2004 - 2006, the Fed entered easing mode and has remained there ever since.

Down the Monetary Policy Rabbit Hole

In the world of uncharted monetary policy, Japan has become the leader in exotic policies. They’re further along the easing curve than anyone else and represent a live case study on the limits of central bank intervention.

Watch This Key Level

Groupthink can be a dangerous phenomenon in the financial markets, but it can also provide an advantage in some circumstances. If we know what key price levels other traders are watching, and how they’re likely to react if and when those levels are reached, then we can plan accordingly.

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