Andrew Zatlin's Contributions

Andrew Zatlin on Semiconductor Boom-Bust Cycle, Reshoring vs. AI Outsourcing

Jun 4, 2024 – Today we're going to discuss the boom-bust cycle in the semiconductor industry, the great outsourcing of white-collar jobs to artificial intelligence via all the data centers going up around the nation, and lastly the potential...

Economist Who Predicted 2021 Inflationary Surge Says It’s Now Peaking

Nov 10 – Andrew Zatlin at SouthBay Research, one of the most accurate economic forecasters as tracked by Bloomberg, correctly predicted a massive inflationary surge and overheating in the markets and the economy for most of 2021...

Andrew Zatlin: Roaring 20s Are Here, But Then Comes the Hangover

May 5 – Andrew Zatlin is one of the most accurate economic forecasters as tracked by Bloomberg and has been named by the WSJ as the moneyball of economics. Today, on FS Insider, he discusses how we are in the midst...

Prepare for 'Planned' Overheating and Recovery Unlike Anything We've Ever Seen, Says Andrew Zatlin

Feb 11 – Andrew Zatlin of SouthBay Research, one of the most accurate economic forecasters as tracked by Bloomberg, says the economy is facing 'red hot' overheating in 2021 and how this unlike any other recovery we've seen in history...

Andrew Zatlin on Jobless Claims Fraud, Inflation Surge

Oct 13 – FS Insider speaks with Andrew Zatlin at SouthBay Research on the fraud and mechanics behind one of the most important economic data points, jobless claims, which he says were artificially boosted higher after Covid...

Andrew Zatlin on Second Layoff Wave and Business Outlook

Jun 25 – Andrew Zatlin discusses the second wave of layoffs underway and what this means for the economic and market outlook for the remainder of 2020. Andrew is the founder of SouthBay Research, an advisory firm geared towards institutional investors....

Coronavirus Shock Will Accelerate US Onshoring Trend, Says Andrew Zatlin

Mar 4 – Andrew Zatlin joins FS Insider to discuss the economic impacts of coronavirus and says the U.S. won’t be hit as hard as other countries. He explains that there could be a short-term hit to growth and says that the real shock is going to be felt...

Andrew Zatlin on Pot-Com Bust, Consumer Spending Drop and More

Oct 17 – FS Insider speaks with Andrew Zatlin, one of the top economic forecasters tracked by Bloomberg, to discuss the recent drop in consumer spending, why mainstream economists using official data sources tend to miss turning

Andrew Zatlin on Fed, Strong Dollar and China Getting Hit With a Double Whammy

Sep 18 – FS Insider interviews Andrew Zatlin at SouthBay Research to discuss the Fed, Trump’s problems with a strong dollar and how China has been hit with a double whammy that, he believes, guarantees they’ll....

Zatlin: Bitcoin Rally Due to Chinese Capital Flight

Jul 3 – Andrew Zatlin explains the relationship between Bitcoin and a slowing Chinese economy. He points to a steep macro decline in the second half of the year along with sharper pain in semi-conductors. “Panic is underway in China,” and Zatlin posits it won’t be long...

Trump Going Against ‘Permanent Welfare Class’, Says Zatlin

May 9 – FS Insider interviews SouthBay Research’s Andrew Zatlin to discuss President Trump’s strategy to tackle America’s debt problem. Zatlin also says the U.S. is facing a natural slowdown and updates listeners on the global macro outlook.

China Needs to Make a Deal to Prevent Hard Landing, Says Andrew Zatlin

Jan 29 – FS Insider interviews Andrew Zatlin at Moneyball Economics to get an update on the global economic slowdown, particularly in China and Europe, and how this affects the outlook for markets in 2019 in light of ongoing trade tensions, infrastructure spending ...

Slowdown Underway as China and Europe Roll Over, Says Andrew Zatlin

Oct 19 – Global markets are getting rocked by a slowdown in two of the three major economic engines for the world: China and Europe. Andrew Zatlin at Moneyball Economics gives an update on the problems facing China, Germany and the wider...

China and Germany Slowing, US Firing on All Cylinders, Says Zatlin

Sep 5 – FS Insider welcomes Andrew Zatlin of Moneyball Economics to discuss the three major engines of the global economy, the slowdown in Germany and China, and the continuing favorable outlook for the US. Zatlin covers recent shipping data...

Is Trump Good or Bad for This Market?

By Andrew Zatlin – The market has been on a tear since Trump moved into the oval office. But is he good or bad for the market? His style is combative and divisive. This brings on volatility. The opposite of what investors want.

Why China’s Soft-Landing Isn’t Looking So Good

By Andrew Zatlin – Over the past few months, I have been pointing to slower growth coming out of Asia (i.e. China) and the E.U. (i.e. Germany). We can track the slowdown by looking at semiconductors and the overall supply chain.

Moneyball Economics’ Andrew Zatlin on San Francisco Exodus, Trump Agenda

Mar 22 – FS Insider interview Andrew Zatlin at Moneyball Economics on why San Francisco is seeing a massive outflow of residents and how this fits into Trump’s larger agenda when it comes to taxes, spending, and building support...

2020 Trump Presidency Hinges on Rebuilding America's Infrastructure, Says Zatlin

Jan 26 – FS Insider interviews Andrew Zatlin of Moneyball Economics on Trump’s economic strategy heading into this year’s midterm elections, followed by a major infrastructure bill to help propel him into a second term. Zatlin also explains why dollar weakness...

Ready. Set. Get Prepared for Inflation!

By Andrew Zatlin – We’re starting to see signs of inflation across some of the most important metrics economists look at… yet it’s not being widely reported. The major hurricanes in 2017 had a huge impact that rippled through the shipping and trucking...

Vice Index - Where the US Economy Stands Today Into 2018

By Andrew Zatlin – US Consumer spending is accelerating again. Just in time for the Holiday Season. Consumer confidence is driving a boost in holiday spending. For starters, holiday shopping started early: rather than wait...

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