Joseph Dancy's Blog

SMU School of Law Professor
jdancy [at] smu [dot] edu ()

Joseph R. Dancy, is manager of the LSGI Technology Venture Fund LP, a private mutual fund for SEC accredited investors formed to focus on the most inefficient part of the equity market. The goal of the LSGI Fund is to utilize applied financial theory to substantially outperform all the major market indexes over time.

He is a Trustee on the Michigan Tech Foundation, and is on the Finance Committee which oversees the management of that institutions endowment funds. He is also employed as an Adjunct Professor of Law by Southern Methodist University School of Law in Dallas, Texas, teaching Oil & Gas Law, Oil & Gas Environmental Law, and Environmental Law, and coaches ice hockey in the Junior Dallas Stars organization.

He has a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from Michigan Technological University, a MBA from the University of Michigan, and a J.D. from Oklahoma City University School of Law. Oklahoma City University named him and his wife as Distinguished Alumni.

“The Success Equation” - The Role of Skill & Luck in Investment Decisions

When analyzing specific results in business, sports, and investing it is often difficult to distinguish what share of the outcome was attributable to skill, and what share of the outcome was attributable to luck.

Oil, Agriculture, and Stock Market

2013 Investment Outlook

Overall it appears that 2013 will be another year of attractive market dynamics for companies and investors, with Brent crude oil prices averaging over $100 a barrel and domestic supply continuing to ramp upward...

Does High Frequency Trading Harm Small Cap Stock Valuations?

The technological revolution on Wall Street has enabled superfast computers and networks to execute high frequency trading (HFT) strategies. Estimates are that 65 to 70 percent of market volume is now attributable to high frequency traders, with the average holding period 22 seconds.

Are Domestic Natural Gas Markets Turning Positive?

Over the last five years natural gas production in the U.S. has increased by roughly 20% as the impact of horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and robust exploration efforts have led to what some have referred to as a ‘glut’ of natural gas.

Bullish Trends in the Global Agriculture Sector

Over the last decade there has been a very close correlation between the price of crude oil and the price of food – both are in long term uptrends due to increasing global demand. Western agricultural practices require around 10 calories of oil or natural gas to produce one calorie of food according to studies.

Record Food Prices Will Likely Disrupt Energy Markets

Researchers at the New England Complex Systems Institute (CSI) studied periods of social unrest in the Middle East and North Africa to attempt to explain the underlying causes of the riots that swept these areas in 2008 and 2011.

The Big Flatline: Oil and the No-Growth Economy

Rubin makes an excellent argument that demand for crude oil and energy in general continues to expand with China’s, India’s and Asia's rapid economic growth.

Investors Avoid Equity Market

Even amid a rising stock market individual investors in the U.S. continued to pull money out of equity mutual funds in July, handing those funds their 15th consecutive monthly net outflow.

Energy Sector Developments Remain Positive

Developments in the energy sector last month remain positive in our opinion – especially for domestic crude oil producers.

Global Oil Market Chugs Forward

While oil prices have declined over the last several months to roughly $98 a barrel for Brent grade crude oil. Bloomberg notes that the median estimate for the third quarter of 32 analysts it tracks for Brent crude is $114.50 a barrel.

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