Ron Hera's Blog

ron [at] heraresearch [dot] com ()

Ron Hera, who is the principal author of the Hera Research Newsletter, is a private investor focusing on hard assets, natural resources, commodities and precious metals. Hera is an outspoken proponent of the free market and of the Austrian School of economics. His articles on economics and on companies that produce natural resources appear regularly in print publications and on hundreds of thousands of websites globally, including translations into languages such as Arabic, German, Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese. Hera is also known for candid interviews with other investors in commodities and precious metals, such as Jim Rogers, Eric Sprott, Hugo Salinas Price, Jim Sinclair and Dr. Marc Faber.

Why Financial Repression Will Fail

Excessive leverage and risk in the financial system, e.g., using customer funds to speculate, never ends well. Stock market crashes, bank and investment firm failures or economic recessions are all potential consequences.

Is Financial Crime a Systemic Risk?

Famed Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises wrote in his seminal work, Human Action (originally published by the Yale University Press in 1949), that “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion.

Neil Barofsky on "Too Big to Fail" and the Next Financial Crisis

Hera Research is pleased to present a sobering interview with Neil Barofsky, Senior Research Scholar, Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor of Law at the New York University School of Law.

Gold and Silver Shine on Weaker U.S. Dollar

Gold, silver and crude oil prices are closely related to the movement of the U.S. dollar. After a healthy consolidation, gold began to move up in August 2012. At the same time, deteriorating expectations for crop yields in the American Midwest moved corn and soybean prices to new highs.

Steve Forbes: How to Bring Back America

If there’s any better system to ensure a stable value for money, it’s yet to be found. For nearly all of America’s first 200 years, the dollar was linked to gold. Since we went off the gold standard, we’ve had more and more financial, economic and banking crises.

John Embry on Gold, Silver, Currencies and Commodities

Gold stocks represent a tremendous value in relation to the price of gold and to the fundamentals of the sector. There has been tremendous shorting activity by hedge funds and, as a result, dedicated gold funds have experienced redemptions.

The War at the End of the Dollar

The history of the U.S. dollar is closely linked to U.S. involvement in a series of wars. The Bretton Woods Accord and the resulting world reserve currency status of the U.S. dollar were both byproducts of World War II (1939-1945). The Korean War (1950-1953) was followed six years later by the Vietnam War (1959-1975) which led to the end of the Bretton Woods system.

Martin Armstrong on the Sovereign Debt Crisis

As a top currency analyst and frequent contributor to academic journals, Armstrong’s views on financial markets remain in high demand. Armstrong was requested by the Presidential Task Force (Brady Commission) investigating the 1987 U.S. stock market crash and, in 1997, Armstrong was invited to advise the People’s Bank of China during the Asian Currency Crisis.

15 Fundamental Problems with Fiat Currencies

Subjectivism is the philosophy that reality is what we perceive to be real and that no underlying, true reality exists independent of human perception. In other words, the nature of reality for an individual person is dependent on that individual’s own consciousness. It follows that each person experiences their own reality that is not shared with others.

The Unholy Alliance of John Maynard Keynes

Perhaps the greatest modern champion of central economic planning was the 20th century English economist John Maynard Keynes. Keynes, who was a political socialist and for a time a central banker, advocated the idea that the government should play a large, active role in the economy. Among the consequences of Keynes’ economic theories, whether intended or unintended, is the fact that Western economies today are characterized by large, central governments, central banks and massive debts.

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