James Gruber's Blog


James has covered Asia as a leading Fund Manager, stockbroking analyst and journalist. Most recently, he spent two years as a Portfolio Manager for Asian Equities at AMP Capital, which manages Asian and China A-share funds totalling US$1bn. The performance of the China A-share fund was ranked no. 1 globally over one and two years during this time there.

For five years prior to this, James was a Research Analyst at Asian brokerage, CLSA, where he covered multiple sectors in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. He was the no. 1 Asiamoney ranked analyst for the materials sector in Indonesia in 2007. He was also ranked by Asiamoney as the 13th best overall analyst in Australia in 2009.

And in a former life, James was a television and radio news journalist at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

He founded Asia Confidential in July 2012.

Who Will Win the Currency Wars?

As debate about potential currency wars heats up, commentators including myself have called out the likely losers, the Japanese yen and South Korean won being high on most lists.

Is The Market Topping Out?

Recently, many stock market bulls have come out to sneer, mock and dismiss the bears. And with some justification given the significant market upswing since 2009. Sure enough though, just as the bulls started to dominate the airwaves, the market may have reached an important top.

How Japan Is Leading the World Astray

The most interesting action of the past week hasn’t been with rising stock markets or contrived Chinese economic data (more on this later), but currency markets.

China Markets Heading Higher

Stockbrokers are a gullible lot ... especially when it comes to China. After better economic news from China, they've been tripping over themselves to declare a bottom to the economy there and project a sustainable recovery for 2013.

Sayonara to the Yen

I couldn't help but think of Zugzwang after the market events over the New Year. In economics as in chess, you start off with many choices and these choices narrow the further you go along and sometimes you reach a point where there are no good choices left, only bad ones.

Slowing China Forex Reserves May Spell Trouble

In the face of renewed market optimism, China's continued dramatic under-performance stands out. Most investors remain clueless as to why but the likely reason is simple enough: money outflows.

Myanmar’s Huge Potential

South-East Asia is the new battleground for the U.S.-China rivalry and it’ll have significant implications for investors in the region. China has badly dropped the ball on the diplomatic front, overplaying its hand in Myanmar and flexing its muscles over disputed islands with Japan and the Philippines.

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