James Gruber's Blog


James has covered Asia as a leading Fund Manager, stockbroking analyst and journalist. Most recently, he spent two years as a Portfolio Manager for Asian Equities at AMP Capital, which manages Asian and China A-share funds totalling US$1bn. The performance of the China A-share fund was ranked no. 1 globally over one and two years during this time there.

For five years prior to this, James was a Research Analyst at Asian brokerage, CLSA, where he covered multiple sectors in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. He was the no. 1 Asiamoney ranked analyst for the materials sector in Indonesia in 2007. He was also ranked by Asiamoney as the 13th best overall analyst in Australia in 2009.

And in a former life, James was a television and radio news journalist at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

He founded Asia Confidential in July 2012.

Can the World Afford Higher Interest Rates?

That’s the end of QE tapering talk then? Not quite, but it should die down somewhat, give U.S. Fed Reserve conduit Jon Hilsenrath’s latest kiss-and-tell article in The Wall Street Journal.

Emerging Market Rout Spells Opportunity

The investor love affair with emerging markets is quickly fading. For much of the past decade, emerging markets – Asia being the largest – were the place to be, offering explosive growth compared to the meager offerings of the developed world.

Why Japan Is Bad for the World

Japan continues to be the world’s biggest financial story. The consensus seems to be that the country’s extraordinary economic measures are good for both itself and the world.

China Poised for Surprise Rebound

It seems the entire planet is bearish on China and questioning its economic data. But as most economists missed the bubbles created by China’s 2009 stimulus, they’re now missing signs of some economic resilience and a likely pick up in short-term growth as abundant liquidity starts to reach the economy.

When Safe Havens Become Bubbles In Disguise

The search for yield in an increasingly yield-less world has become the biggest financial sport in town. The logic is understandable. Thanks to our beloved central bankers, traditional investment portfolios heavily reliant on government bonds and cash are earning little, or worse when inflation is taken into account.

Following the Smart Money in Asia

Follow the money. It's a old saying in investing that's never made a lot of sense as it often means following the latest fad and ultimately buying high and selling low. So I'm going to propose an amendment and urge you to "follow the smart money".

Why are Asia’s Markets Trailing the World?

It’s a curious thing when the world’s biggest growth market, Asia, has dramatically underperformed American and European stock markets, this year and over the past 12 months.

Buy India, Sell China

Until recently, India saw itself as an emerging economic powerhouse, the next China so to speak. Those delusions of grandeur led to complacency and the end-result is that GDP growth has slumped to a ten-year low.

Why Gold Has Further To Fall

Though a gold bull, I called for a correction late last year and believe more downside is likely from here. There are three reasons to be cautious on the near-term outlook: 1) gold has historically performed weakest during the March-July months 2) sentiment towards gold has turned somewhat, yet there’s been little capitulation, particularly from the world’s central banks 3) the current correction has been relatively mild – remember that gold slid 47% during its 1970s bull market before peaking in 1980.

Welcome to the New Cold War

Make no mistake: America and China are on a collision course and the battleground is Asia. The China-Japan dispute has little to do with a small group of islands in the South China Sea. It’s about a new world power, China, wanting to assert its authority in Asia.

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